Thoughts on Anna Jane
Hi Laurie and Jenn,
I loved taking a walk last Sunday and thinking of Anna Jane. Above is a picture of my family who shared many delightful occasions with your Mom whom we all adored. Below is a lovely picture of your Mom when she was entertaining our cherished knitting group, “the Chicken Sisters” and, of course, she had made a delicious lunch including the meringue! I asked my husband what word he would use to describe Anna Jane and he replied, “cheerful…she was always cheerful and wouldn’t we all be blessed if we could see the world through her eyes?!” I’m reminded of the Maya Angelou quote whenever I think of her: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Anna Jane had the ability to uplift everyone she came in contact with because she was perhaps the most consistently pleasant person I have ever been blessed to call my friend. The world was a better place with her in it and she is certainly missed.
Marilyn, Andrew, Drew and Chris Copeland
Ashville, North Carolina